New Teaching Series :
This series, Revival and Restoration, will walk through this historical book of the Old Testament as we ourselves face surprisingly similar circumstances in 2024.
Janie Chapman Offering
The Janie Chapman Offering for State Missions was started and continues to be the driving force for missions happening throughout our state. Over 2,000 churches affiliate with the South Carolina Baptist Convention and cooperate in missions giving, missions discipleship, and missions support through the Start, Strong, Share, Send and Serve teams.
Connect with the Sauldam Family
Grow & Go Event
Local Outreach Evangelism Event
Saturday September 14th, 9:30-noon
we will gather as a church to talk about the importance of sharing the gospel, followed by training on how to share the gospel, and then we will
break up into groups to parks and stores around our community to pray for people and share the gospel!
New teaching series
This series, Revival and Restoration, will walk through this historical book of the Old Testament as we ourselves face surprisingly similar circumstances in 2024.
Baptism Services
A special service dedicated to celebrating with others who are taking the step of Baptism.