Video  Announcement's:

Stay connected with Sauldam  church - here is a snapshot of upcoming church events and announcements for December

Women's Bible Study  -  7 week study

Mondays at 10:00 am begins Jan. 20th

Tuesdays at 6:30 pm begins Jan. 21st

Childcare is available for both days.

For information, please contact 

Donna Platt at

New Teaching Series : January 2025

So often, we only experience a sort-of satisfying Christianity with sort-of interesting moments with God, but what if He wanted something better for us? Jesus said that we can do nothing without Him, but when we abide in Him then we will bear much fruit. Let's begin 2025 with an intentional season of pursuing more of Jesus, becoming more like Him, and having that real type of relationship with God that we read about in the Bible or hear about in sermons. In 2025, let's go Deeper in our faith through three key habits: fasting, giving, and evangelizing. 

New Teaching Series

Starting January 2025

Let's begin 2025 with an intentional season of pursuing more of Jesus, becoming more like Him, and having that real type of relationship with God that we read about in the Bible or hear about in sermons. In 2025, let's go Deeper in our faith through three key habits: fasting, giving, and evangelizing. 

New & Prospective member classes

Discovery is the place for you to discover who the local church is, what our history and vision are at Sauldam, and why you joining a church matters. Whether you are a longtime member wanting a refresh, a new member wondering what you got into, or a prospective member considering joining, Discovery is for you. Join us for two Wednesday nights in January or two Sunday mornings  to get the scoop! Contact Jeremy at to get more information and register.

Sauldam Women / Rooted

Our mission is to bring women of all ages together for discipleship, growing them into spiritual maturity. To encourage and pray for each other as we seek to live our lives according to God’s Word and as we seek to spread the love of Jesus to others. 

Wednesday Nights

Join us on Wednesday Nights at 5:15pm for our Family Dinner time. 

6pm Wednesday Nights for our weekly study of the book of Acts. 

Sunday Night Youth

Sunday nights at 6pm

Join us for Sunday Night Youth at Sauldam!  We will begin with a game, worship together, have a short sermon, and in small groups we will talk about what’s going on in our lives!

Sunday morning's - 9:30 am 

Each Sunday Pastor Jeremy hosts the Boiler Room, a time of prayer at 9:30. The strength of our church will be measured by the prayers of our people, and all are invited to join.

Discovery Classes

what God has done at Sauldam ?

who we are becoming ? 

why join in ?


Sauldam Youth Ministry is composed of middle school and high school students, 6th through 12th grade. 

Prayer Request

Please send Us Your Prayer Request. We consider it our privilege to pray for you

Sauldam Missions

You can choose from the opportunities below to serve the Low Counrty, 

the United States, and internationally. Brining hope in there time of need !

Mission Prayer Partner's

Pray for the Wyndahm Family and The Woodstock community church.

Janie Chapman Offering

The Janie Chapman Offering for State Missions was started and continues to be the driving force for missions happening throughout our state. Over 2,000 churches affiliate with the South Carolina Baptist Convention and cooperate in missions giving, missions discipleship, and missions support through the Start, Strong, Share, Send and Serve teams.

Next Steps

Connect with the Sauldam Family 

Plan Your Visit!

Email our Kids Team to plan ahead